writer | speaker | researcher | consultant on the emergence of a new economy
Economy as a sanctuary for all life.
“As we are debunking the myth of normal,
the emergence of a new economy is our healing response to
a deeply fragmented world.”

THRIVE fundamentals for a new economy.
Kees Klomp and Shinta Oosterwaal consult unconventional economic thinkers such as Kate Raworth, Charles Eisenstein, John Elkington Clair Brown, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Daniel Christian Wahl, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Mark Anielski, Hunter L. Lovins, Vandana Shiva, Carol Anne Hilton, and many more to offer readers the fundamentals for a new economy.
Fundamentals that focus not on the growth of prosperity but the well-being of our world. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking the fundamental economic perspectives that will make the world thrive.
Publisher: Business Contact

Anders Verder
Dit boek is geschreven na jarenlang nadenken over het economisch systeem: hoe kan het beter, anders, met meer betekenis worden ingericht? Het is het resultaat van andere inzichten, opruiende ideeën, onbegaanbare paden, halsstarrig volhouden dat het anders kan, inspirerende aha-momenten en regelrechte eureka-gedachten. Hoe zou het verder gaan met deze wereld, die zo maakbaar leek voor de coronacrisis?
Met bijdragen van Jeroen Smit (inleiding) | Geert Degrande | Savitri Groag | Michael van Loenen | An Kramer | Martijn Raaijmakers | Ann Maes | Hans Stegeman | Arjan Broers | Geanne van Arkel | Stephan Ummelen | Anne Griet Brader | Ynzo van Zanten | Mischa Verheijden | Linda Modderkolk en Jur Koksma | Ralph Zebregs | Elke Leyman | Pieter Spinder | Shinta Oosterwaal | Martin Schuurman | Ilja Werkhoven | Kees Klomp | Sophie Wisbrun-Overakker | Ron van Es (eindredacteur) | Jan Bommerez (nawoord)
Uitgever: Studio Kers

The existential dimension of transitions
“To further (economic) transitions in society as professionals we need a more fundamental and more complete understanding of the existential dimension of transitions. We need to integrate the idea of human consciousness as a driving force for change, and intervene in ways that mobilize the creative capital of people”.
Shinta uses interventions aimed at deep personal growth in relation to organizational development to invoke a new coprorate culture that gives a new direction to the role of business as a vehicle of value for people and society. Enabling her clients to move from business as usual in a conventional economy to business unusual in an ecosystem of regeneration.
A global community of business leaders, scientists, creative agents and social entrepreneurs is rising. They stand at the frontier of a new world as a bold community of practice. It’s their daily business to work on the re-envisioning and building of our society, our economy and our businesses around new values, awakening conscious leadership, social innovation and human flourishing. I am interviewing 21 of these forward thinkers, see-ers and doers during the Corona crisis to ask them: WHAT is manifesting NOW on EARTH? Take some time to share the space with professionals letting you in on their perspectives of the future.